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来源:betway必威西汉姆联官方网站 阅读: 日期:2020-02-26

一、车辆类型—GB/T 3730.1—88

1.汽车—motor vehicle.


3.微型货车—mini truck.

4.轻型货车—light truck.

5.中型货车—medium truck.

6.重型货车—heavy truck.

7.越野汽车—off—road vehicle.

8.轻型越野汽车—light off—road vehicle.

9.中型越野汽车—medium off—road vehicle.

10.重型越野汽车—heavy off—road vehicle.

11.超重型越野汽车—extra heavy off—road vehicle.

12.自卸汽车—dump truck.

13.轻型自卸汽车—light dump truck.

14.中型自卸汽车—medium dump truck.

15.重型自卸汽车—heavy dump truck.

16.矿用自卸汽车—mining dump truck.

17.牵引汽车—towing vehicle.

18.半挂牵引汽车—semi—trailer towing vehicle.

19.全挂牵引汽车—full—trailer towing vehicle.

20.专用汽车—special purpose vehicle.



23.起重举升汽车—crane/lift truck.

24.专用自卸汽车—special tipper.

25.仓栅式汽车—box/stake truck.

26.特种结构汽车—special construction vehicle.



29.轻型客车—light bus.

30.中型客车—medium bus.

31.中型城市客车—medium city bus.

32.中型长途客车—medium intercity bus.

33.中型旅游客车—mediumsightseeing bus.

34.中型团体客车—medium private bus.

35.大型客车—large bus.

36.大型城市客车—large city bus.

37.大型长途客车—large intercity bus.

38.大型旅游客车—large sightseeing bus.

39.大型团体客车—large private bus.

40.特大型客车—extra bus.

41.铰接客车—articulated bus.

42.双层客车—double—deck bus.

43.轿车—passenger car.

44.微型轿车—minicar .

45.普通级轿车—subcompact car.

46.中级轿车—compact car.

47.中高级轿车—intermediate car.

48.高级轿车—limousine car.


50.轻型半挂车—light semi—trailer.

51.中型半挂车—medium semi—trailer.

52.重型半挂车—heavy semi—trailer.

53.超重型半挂车—extra heavy semi—trailer.

二、车辆质量—GB/T 3730.2—92

1.底盘干质量—chassis dry mass;

2.底盘整备质量—chassis kerb mass;

3.底盘与驾驶室干质量—chassis and cab dry mass;

4.底盘与驾驶室整备质量—chassis and cab kerb mass;

5.整车干质量—complete vehicle dry mass;

6.整车整备质量—complete vehicle kerb mass;

7.最大总质量—maximum total mass;

8.厂定最大总质量—maximummanufacturer’s total mass;

9.允许最大总质量—maximum authorized total mass;

10.最大装载质量—maximum laden mass;

11.厂定最大装载质量—maximum manufacturer’s laden mass;

12.允许最大装载质量—maximum authorized laden mass;

13.最大轴载质量—maximum axle laden mass;

14.厂定最大轴载质量—maximum manufacturer’s axle laden mass;

15.允许最大轴载质量—maximum authorized axle laden mass;

16.最大拖挂质量—maximumtowed mass;

17.厂定最大拖挂质量—manufacturer’s maximumtowed mass;

18.允许最大拖挂质量—authorized maximumtowed mass;

19.汽车列车最大总质量—maximum total mass of train;

20.汽车列车厂定最大总质量—maximum manufacturer’s total mass of train;

21.汽车列车允许最大总质量—maximum authorized total mass of train;

22.铰接车最大总质量—maximum of an articulated vehicle;

三、车辆尺寸—GB/T 3730.3—92

1.车长—vehicle length;

2.汽车长—motor vehicle length;

3.全挂车长—full trailer length;

4.半挂车长—semi- trailer length;



7.轴距—wheel space;

8.汽车及全挂车轴距—motor vehicle or full trailer wheel space;

9.半挂车轴距—semi-trailer wheel space;


11.前悬—front overhang;

12.后悬—rear overhang;

13.最小离地间隙—ground clearance;

14.纵向通过角—ramp angle;

15.接近角—approach angle;

16.离去角—departure angle;

17.车架高度—height of chassis above ground:

18.驾驶室后车架最大可用长度(带驾驶室的车辆)—maximum usable length of chassis behind cab(vehicle with cab);

19.车身长度—bodywork length;

20.轿车和客车车身长—bodywork length of passenger car and bus;

21.带有驾驶室的底盘上的车身长度—bodywork length of chassis with driver’s cab;

22.车箱(厢)内部最大尺寸—maximum internal dimensions of body;

23.牵引架长—draw gear length;

24.牵引杆长—drawbar length ;

25.牵引装置的位置—position of towing attachment;

26.牵引装置高度—height of towing attachment;

27.牵引装置前置距—distance of towing attachment in front of rear of vehicle;

28.牵引座前置距—fifth-wheel lead;

29.长度计算用牵引座前置距—fifth-wheel leadfor calculation of length;

30.质量分配计算用牵引座前置距—fifth-wheel leadfor calculation ofmass distribution;

31.牵引座结合高度—height ofcoupling face;

32.牵引装置至车辆前端的距离—distance between towing device and front end of towing vehicle;

33.牵引座牵引销孔至车辆前端的距离—distance between fifth-wheel coupling pin and front end of towing vehicle;

34.半挂牵引车后回转半径—rear fitting radius of semi-trailer towing vehicle;

35.半挂车间隙半径—reartractor clearance radius of semi-trailer;

36.半挂车前回转半径—front fitting radius of semi-trailer;

37.车轮外倾—camber angle;

38.主销内倾—kingpin inclination;




42.车轮铅垂动行程—vertical clearance of wheel;

43.车轮提升高度—lift of wheel;

44.转弯直径—turning circle diameters;

45.转弯通道圆—turning clearancecircles.



1.车身—body; body assembly.

2.车身本体—bodyshell; main body.

3.车身机构—mechanical hard ware of body.

4.车身覆盖件—cover panel; body outer panel.

5.车身结构件—structural member; body structure.

6.非承载式车身—body chassis frame construction; separate frame construction.

7.承载式车身—unitary construction body; unit body construction; integral body; panel structure body.

8.折背式车身—pontoon type; notch back body; three—box type body.

9.直背式车身—fast back body; two—box type body.

10.舱背式车身—hatch back body; two—box type body.

11.短背式车身—cut—off back body; two—box type body.

12.客厢—passenger compartment.

13.发动机舱—engine compartment.

14.行李箱—trunk; luggage compartment; luggage hold.

15.车身前部—front body.

16.车身后部—rear body.

17.车身底部—under body.

18.车身侧部—side body.

19.车身裙部—skirt .

20.腰线—waist line; belt line; door belt; fascia.

21.开缝线—opening line.

22.轮口—wheel opening; wheel arch.

23.脚部空间—foot well.

24.内饰—interior trimming.

25.外饰—exterior trimming.


27.外饰件—exterior trimming part.

28.车身附件—body accessories.


1.板件—pressing ; panel.



4.加强件—reinforcement; stiffness.






10.支架—support; supporter.











1.前翼板—front fender; front wing.

2.发动机罩前支撑板—front end panel; nose panel.

3.发动机罩—engine hood bonnet.

4.发动机罩安全拉钩—hood safety catch; hood safety lock; hood auxiliary catch; hook; hood secondary latch.

5.前裙板—front valance panel; front skirt panel; front lower shroud; front bumper stone; reflector; fairing panel ; front apron.

6.散热器固定框—radiator support; lamp support; shroud panel; front bulkhead; front baffle; deflector.

7.前挡泥板—front fender apron; wheel apron; fender skirt; hood ledge .

8.前横梁—front cross member; front cross rail.

9.前纵梁—front side member; front side rail.; front side frame.

10.前围上盖板—cowl top; cowl upper; shroud upper panel; front panel.

11.前围板—dash panel; dash board; toe board; fire wall.

12.前围侧板—cowl side panel; dash side; shroud side.

13.后围上盖板—upper back panel; rear waist panel; back window lower panel; rear deck panel.

14.后围板—rear end panel; lower back panel; rear skirt panel.

15.行李箱盖—trunk lid; rear compartment lid; luggage compartment door; deck lid; boot lid.

16.后窗窗台—shelf panel; package tray panel; parcel shelf panel; rear shelf; rear luggage shelf panel.

17.地板—floor pan ; floor panel; floor board.

18.后纵梁—rear side member; floor side member; floor side rail ; rear floor side frame.

19.地板横梁—floor cross member.

20.车轮档泥罩—wheel housing panel.

21.顶盖—roof panel; top.

22.上边梁—roof rail.

23.顶盖横梁—roof bow; roof panel member; roof panel reinforcement; roof panel reinforcement piece.

24.流水槽—roof drip; roof drip channel; roof side drip rail; gutter channel.

25.前柱—front pillar; front post; “A” pillar.

26.中柱—center pillar; center post; “B” pillar.

27.后柱—rear pillar; rear post; “C” pillar.

28.门槛—side sill; rocker panel; sill panel.

29.后翼板—rear fender; rear wing.

30.后门—rear door.

31.前门—front door.

32.背门—back door; tail gate.

33.后顶盖侧板—quarter panel.

34.地板通道—floor tunnel.

35.仪表板—fascia; instrument panel.

36.仪表罩—instrument frame.


38.杂物箱—glove box; glove compartment.

39.遮阳板—sun visor .

40.后视镜—rear view mirror; spotlight.



43.车身悬置点—jack up point.



46.保险杠联结板—jointing plates of bumper.

47.保险杠托架—bumper stay; bumper arm ; bumper bracket.


49.风窗玻璃—front windshield glass; front screen; front windscreen.

50.后窗玻璃—back window glass; back light; rear window glass.

51.后侧窗玻璃—opera window glass.

52.后角窗玻璃—quarter window glass.

53.前角窗玻璃—door ventilation glass; anti—draft ventilation glass.

54.中隔墙玻璃—glass of the glass partition.

55.中隔墙— glass partition.

56.门窗框—door window frame; door sash.

57.门锁—door lock.


59.门外手柄—door handle; outside door handle.

60.玻璃升降器—window regulator.

61.门铰链—door hinge.

62.门内手柄—inside door handle.

63.助力撑杆—gas spring.

64.门玻璃导轨—glass run; glass run channel.

65.门密封条—weather strip.

66.空调装置—air conditioner; air conditioning equipment .


68.冷气装置—cooler ; cool air.


70.除霜装置—defroster; demister ; deicer.


72.靠枕—head rest; head restrain.


74.脚登—foot rest.

75.折合座—folding seat.


77.扶手—hand grill.

78.安全带—safety belt.

79.车轮装饰罩—wheel disc; rim embellisher.

80.轮毂装饰罩—hub embellisher.

81.车标—mark; insignia; emblem.

五、客车车身—GB/T 12484—90


1.车身—body; body assembly.

2.车身本体—bodyshell; main body.

3.车身骨架—body frame; body skeleton.

4.车身覆盖件—skin; cover panel.

5.车身结构件—body structural member.

6.承载式车身—unitary construction body; chassisless body; full—monocoque body.

7.半承载式车身—semi—integral body; semi—monocoque body.

8.非承载式车身—body—chassis frame construction; separate frame construction.

9.车身结构—mechanical hardware of body; body mechanism.

10.车厢—passenger compartment.

11.乘客区—passenger zone.

12.驾驶区—driver zone.

13.发动机舱—engine compartment.

14.行李舱—luggage compartment; luggage hold.

15.工具箱—tool box.

16.蓄电池箱—battery compartment.

17.行李架—luggage rack; parcel rack; baggage holder.

18.行李梯—luggage ladder.


20.车身裙部—body skirt.

21.轮口—wheel —arch.

22.开缝线—opening line.

23.通道—gang way.

24.内饰—interior trim; upholstery.

25.外饰—exterior trim.

26.车身附件—body accessories.



2.蒙皮—outer panel; skin .

3.护板—fender; shield .


5.连接板—connecting panel.

6.导流板—flowguide; air deflector.


8.加强件—reinforcement; stiffener.

9.固定件—stay; retainer; fixed part.


11.装饰件—trimming; garnish; molding .

12.密封件—weather strip ;sealing .

13.支架—support; bracket.

14.衬垫—pad; packing; gasket.


16.扶手—assist grip; handrail; banister.


18.立柱—pillar; post.

19.梁—rail ;beam.



22.槽—guide; grove.


1.前围—front wall.

2.前围骨架—front wall frame; front wall skeleton.

3.前围立柱—front wall pillar.

4.前围搁梁—front wallshelf beam.

5.前围裙边梁—front skirt rail.

6.前围蒙皮—front wallouter panel; front wallskin.

7.前围护板—front wall inner shield: front wall interior panel.

8.驾驶区搁板(栏)—driver partition ;diver barrier panel.

9.前面罩—radiator grille.

10.风窗框架—windshield frame.

11.风窗中立柱—windshieldcentral post.

12.风窗框上横梁—windshieldheader crossbar.


14.风窗玻璃—windscreen; windshield.

15.仪表板—instrument panel; dashboard.

16.副仪表板—auxiliary facia consolt .

17.仪表板护面—dashboard facing.



20.风窗洗涤器—washer; windscreen washer.

21.后视镜—rearview mirror.

22.遮阳板(帘)—sun visor .

23.发动机罩—engine hood.

24.后围—back wall; rear wall.

25.后围骨架—rear wall frame; rear wall skeleton.

26.后围立柱—rear wall pillar.

27.后围搁梁—rear wallshelf beam.

28.后围裙边梁—rear skirt rail.

29.后围蒙皮—rear wallouter panel; rear wallskin.

30.后围护板—rear wall inner shield: rear wall interior panel.

31.后窗框架— rear window frame.

32.后窗中立柱—rear windowcentral post.

33.后窗框上横梁—rear windowheader crossbar.

34.后窗框下横梁—rear windowcrosssill.

35.后窗玻璃—rear window glass.

36.助力撑杆—power—assisted brace gas spring.

37.侧围—side wall.

38.侧围骨架—side wall frame; side wall skeleton.

39.侧窗立柱—side window pillar.

40.侧围立柱—side wall pillar.

41.腰立柱—waist pillar.

42.门立柱—door pillar.

43.侧围蒙皮—side wallouter panel; side wallskin.

44.侧围护板—side wall inner shield: side wall interior panel.

45.侧窗—side window.

46.侧窗框—side window frame.

47.侧窗玻璃—side window glass.

48.侧窗锁—side windowlock.

49.上边梁—roof side rail.

50.腰梁—waist rail.

51.侧围搁梁—side wallshelf beam.

52.侧围裙边梁—side skirt rail.

53.斜撑—bracing piece.

54.轮罩—wheelhouse; wheel arch.

55.翼板—wing; fender.

56.挡泥板—mudguard; fender apron.

57.踏步板—step plate.

58.流水槽—roof drip; gutter channel.

59.驾驶员门—driver door.

60.乘客门—passenger door.

61.安全门—emergency door.

62.发动机舱门—engine compartment door.

63.行李舱门—luggage compartment door.

64.蓄电池箱门—battery compartment door.

65.售票台—conductor table.

66.驾驶员座椅—driver seat.

67.售票员座椅—conductor seat.

68.乘客座椅—passenger seat.

69.导游座椅—guide seat.

70.加座—additional seat; folding seat.

71.肘靠—armrest; elbow rest.

72.安全带—seat belt ;safety belt.

73.门锁—door lock.

74.门内锁柄—inside door handle.

75.门外锁柄—outside door handle.

76.玻璃升降器—window regulator; window lifter .

77.压条—trim strip; binding .

78.压条封盖—trim stripcap; binding end cap.

79.嵌条— moulding;insertion strip;


81.顶盖骨架—roof frame; roof skeleton.

82.顶盖纵梁—roof rail.

83.顶盖横梁—roofcross rail ;roof bow.

84.顶盖蒙皮—roof outer panel; roof skin.

85.顶盖护板—roofinner shield.

86.顶窗—sky—light window.

87.地板—floor; floor panel; floor board.

88.地板护面—floorcarpet; floor covering.

89.底架—foundation; body understructure.

90.空调装置—air conditioner; air conditioning equipment.



93.除霜装置—defroster; frost removal.

94.通风装置—ventilator; ventilating equipment.

95.标牌—name plate.

96.路牌—guide board.

97.伸缩蓬—telescopic tarpaulin.

98.中间框架—central frame.

99.梭梁— stabilizing beam.


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